When it comes to hitting the gym after work, most people use the same excuse: I just don’t have the time. But this is actually not true, as what they lack is the gym motivation. If you had a long day, sitting relaxed on the couch with your significant other and watching some Netflix sounds very good. But how about enjoying that amazing feeling you get after working out intensely, right after you’re done with your job? Of course you do, but in order to achieve this, let’s see how we can get you motivated enough! Set some personal goals …and we’re not talking just about setting them in your mind, as writing down is one of the best things you can do. Seeing the things you want to achieve jotted down on a piece of paper can have a powerful impact, as it reminds you why you’re going to the gym. And this is the key to staying motivated! For an extra boost of gym motivation, pin that piece […] Continue reading