It’s not a secret at all that massage therapy has several benefits upon the human body, as it’s far from being just a method of relaxation. For example, it was recently discovered that therapeutic massage can help to reduce the unnecessary use of anti-psychotics! How? Human interaction is the secret! According to a report from The Alzheimer’s Society, there is a small – but it exists – amount of evidence showing that massage can help in the management of several symptoms associated with dementia. To be more specific, we’re talking about depression, anxiety, or even agitation. People living with dementia can easily and gladly accept a hand massage, as the touch of a hand is still a familiar sensation to them. A quick, five-minute session of therapeutic massage on the hands can trigger a psychological relaxation response! But this is not everything, as it can also increase the level of serotonin, otherwise a monoamine neurotransmitter, known as a contributor to the feeling of happiness. Hands aren’t the only areas where […] Continue reading
We all know that a massage session can be incredibly relaxing but the truth is that there are way more advantages it has and a lot of people just don’t know about them. But this is what we’re here for! Without much further ado, let’s take a few moments and talk about the lesser-known benefits massage can have on your body and, why not, your well-being. It helps you get rid of all the postural stress Probably one of the most common issues among those who work at desks for prolonged periods, postural stress translates into a weakness or pain in the lower back area and gluteals, mostly caused by sitting for extended periods. Still, this is where massage therapy comes in, counteracting this entire imbalance. If you’re among those dealing with this problem, we have some good news: scheduling regular massage sessions can help you keep your job and get rid of all the discomfort. No more muscle pain If you’re one of those always complaining about sore muscles, […] Continue reading
It’s no secret that massages can bring one a lot of benefits, but how many of you actually knew that they are also good for your mental health, in many ways? According to multiple pieces of research, you should consider massages part of your toolkit of strategies to maintain solid mental health, as the latter is considered as one of the biggest issues of the 21st century, but ignored by many people. Therefore, let’s take a few moments and discuss the positive impact massages can have on your mental well-being, shall we? It can stimulate the production of feel-good hormones, responsible for alleviating depression Depression is one of those conditions which can be not visible at all, able to make people feel like they don’t even get out of bed. However, according to several studies, there is a strong correlation between massage therapy and alleviation of many depressive symptoms. Specifically, it was proven that one of the main massage benefits is affecting body chemistry, thus increasing serotonin and dopamine, the […] Continue reading
Have you ever thought about how beneficial a massage for runners is? Sure it not only feels good, but there are so many amazing benefits to having a massage. In this article, we will discuss the top benefits of getting a massage. Massages for runners can be scheduled at different intervals. Some individuals may only need a massage once a month, while others will find it beneficial to have a massage once a week. These plans are completely individualized to each person in order to get the most out of a massage. In order to find what works best for you, you will need to not only determine what your goals are for running but also what your budget is. You should also decide when the best time to schedule a massage is in order to get the most out of it. Look at your running calendar. Are there any races or long runs scheduled? If so, plan your massage around them. It could be in your favor to schedule […] Continue reading
Losing weight and fighting obesity, in particular, are some of the most popular subjects, as people are constantly looking for methods of obtaining great results quickly. There are tons of available diets, some of them good, some bad, but, unfortunately, there’s no magic formula for losing weight overnight. Well, except liposuction, of course, but that’s another story. However, it appears that scientists made a surprising discovery: a simple cup of coffee can have some positive effects on humans’ brown fat functions. To be more specific, brown fat – or good fat, as it’s also known – helps our bodies turn nutrients into energy, thus generating heat. In contrast, other types of fat, known as yellow or white fat, result from storing calories in excess. Therefore, knowing that it’s impossible to have zero fat in our bodies, it’s obvious that brown fat deposits can actually help us have overall great health, maintain a lean silhouette, as well as proper body weight. And how can we achieve this? Apparently, drinking one cup […] Continue reading
If you have ever had a massage, you know that they feel great. They can help to relax the entire body, eliminating stress. For some people, they help relieve a headache, and for others, a massage is part of their weekly or monthly plan for having what is called “me” or alone time. There are various different kinds of massages that can be given. Some like using relaxation massages while others swear by deep tissue massages. Cupping massages are an alternative that many will use while others prefer to use barefoot massages. Massages can feel great to many individuals that want their muscles to relax while others like Thai Yoga massages. All of the massages listed above are said to relieve tension in the body, as well as melt away stress. Others state that pain and discomfort are dissolved. No matter what, body massages do lower the toxicity levels of the body, increase blood circulation, improves Lymphatic drainage, and improves muscle tone and flexibility. Massages have been known to reduce […] Continue reading
More and more people are turning to various exercises as a way to get healthy. Many attend weekly yoga classes, others swim daily, and some find a combination of running and walking do the trick. However the more a person exercises, the more likely they are to develop an injury. But the good news is there are ways to relieve pain when one does get injured. One of the key elements in feeling better is to have a sports massage done. The best kind of sport massage will include the use of topical pain relief products. These products can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Those that use sport massage can find great relief when incorporating topical pain products into their healing schedule. A therapist could use a topical spray to the affected area. It can then be wrapped or kinesiology tape can be placed over it. The therapist may also recommend a therapeutic balm to nourish the skin overnight. This balm can also increase the circulation to the painful […] Continue reading
Lately, people are looking forward to discovering ways of staying healthy until a late age, which is nothing but great news. We all know how important is to pay your doctor a visit regularly or stick to a daily – if your schedule allows it – exercise routine, combined with a healthy diet. On the other side, it’s less known that proper massage therapy, conducted by a professional, can also have a huge impact on one’s health. In fact, let’s take a few moments and see which are the essential benefits of this type of therapy! It relieves stress There’s no doubt that this is one of the main benefits massage therapy comes with. It was scientifically proven that being constantly exposed to stress can increase the risk of heart disease, but also diabetes or hypertension, so getting massage regularly is pretty much one of the best things one can try in order to deal with what’s called “the disease of the 21st century”. A massage session can be an […] Continue reading
You’ve probably heard a lot about organic food lately, as it seems a real trend with a constantly growing fan base. In fact, this trend turned into a $43 billion business, with a lot of potential. But the interesting part is that a lot of people struggle to understand why the term “organic” actually means and if it’s worth paying more for food labelled like this. Technically speaking, “organic” refers to the way of growing and processing agricultural products. In the United States, organic crops must be grown without making use of any synthetic pesticides, as well as bioengineered genes, fertilizers based on petroleum, or based on sewage and sludge, in order to be labelled as organic. And this is not everything. The livestock raised for meat and dairy products should have access to an outdoor environment and receive organic feed, not to mention that it’s forbidden to inject them with antibiotics, growth hormones or any type of animal by-products, for the ‘organic’ label to be applied. As for the […] Continue reading
One popular belief says that in order to lose some weight and obtain that slim look you always wanted, you need to exercise like crazy. Well, it’s time to bust the myth: That’s not true. You can lose more weight if you start eating less, instead of exercising. Actually, you can do it by paying more attention to what you’re eating and don’t exercise at all. The idea is simple: in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Exercising consumes far fewer calories than many people think. Let’s say that you go for a 30 minutes jog. In that amount of time, you manage to burn less than 350 calories, as long as you have a constant pace, but more people can’t do this, so the amount of burnt calories is smaller. Sure, exercising has its benefits, but there are way more problems with it when it comes to relying on it to control your weight. And studies also confirm this. A 2011 meta-analysis […] Continue reading