Have you ever thought about how beneficial a massage for runners is? Sure it not only feels good, but there are so many amazing benefits to having a massage. In this article, we will discuss the top benefits of getting a massage.
Massages for runners can be scheduled at different intervals. Some individuals may only need a massage once a month, while others will find it beneficial to have a massage once a week. These plans are completely individualized to each person in order to get the most out of a massage. In order to find what works best for you, you will need to not only determine what your goals are for running but also what your budget is.
You should also decide when the best time to schedule a massage is in order to get the most out of it. Look at your running calendar. Are there any races or long runs scheduled? If so, plan your massage around them. It could be in your favor to schedule your massages for two or three days after a long run or race. Do not schedule your appointment a day or two before the race or long run as the massage could leave you sore. Likewise, do not schedule your massage a day after either as your body needs time to recover first.
Now that we have talked about how and when to schedule a massage for runners, let us look at the actual benefits. If you are not very flexible, a massage for runners is great. A massage therapist can easily help get the body to be more flexible. Many people may have trouble with their flexibility as they age. Or if they are just starting to run or beginning an exercise program, they may not be that flexible. But scheduling a massage on a regular basis can really help.
Another benefit of massage for runners is that it promotes better circulation. This means your entire body will be much healthier. Your organs will be allowed more oxygen and cells will be permitted to grow. As an added benefit, the skin will look healthier.
A massage for runners can also reduce muscle fatigue and soreness. This will allow a person to be ready for their next run. Recovery is an essential part of any workout, as if the body can not recover fully, there will not be any gain. Massage could possibly reduce inflammation, reduce stress levels, and improve the immune system.
Did you know that massage for runners can also improve the pulmonary function. It does this by loosening tight respiratory muscles. And these massages can encourage fast removal of metabolic waste products as well.
Massages for runners should be scheduled several times before a big race. Only having one massage administered is not going to help very much. But having a series of massages will allow the body to reap all of the benefits. Any massage you receive should be done by a licensed and trained massage therapist, such as Maria’s Professional Massage.
Picture Credit: Henry Geddes