The lavender essential oil can be termed as one of the more versatile and popular methods used for aromatherapy. The lavender oil is distilled from the plant called Lavandula Angustifolia. This kind of aromatherapy is responsible for promoting relaxations and is believed to be useful in the treatment of fungal infections, anxiety, depression, eczema, insomnia, nausea, allergies, and menstrual cramps. It is multi-purpose oil in terms of essential oil practices. The oil also has antispasmodic, analgesic, and sedative properties similar to massage therapy. Lavender aromatherapy for the treatment of anxiety Although there aren’t many clinical trials to support this, there were positive effects of aromatherapy on many people suffering from anxiety. Several studies conducted have indicated that the lavender oil might have anti-anxiety benefits. Some studies were conducted in specific populations as well to test the anxiety-decreasing effects of lavender. There was a study published in 2005 that concentrated on two hundred people waiting for dental treatment. By breathing in the lavender aroma there was an improvement in both mood […] Continue reading
If you are prepared to make a few changes to your lifestyle it can help you live a lot longer. There was a recent study conducted that pointed out four bad habits detrimental to a healthy lifestyle. These included drinking too much alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, and not eating nutritious food. This can hustle you into your grave early and can age you by as many as 12 years. Luckily it is possible to correct the behavior. Adopt these habits into your life to maintain your body looking great and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. 1. Never overeat: If your target in life is to live 100 years, it is a good idea to leave some food on the plate. People who have studied longevity around the world found out that Japanese people break eating when they are around 80% full. This fact was confirmed later in research in the U.S. Eating less means you are going to age slower. Limited calories lower the production of T3 that is a […] Continue reading
Lately, people are looking forward to discovering ways of staying healthy until a late age, which is nothing but great news. We all know how important is to pay your doctor a visit regularly or stick to a daily – if your schedule allows it – exercise routine, combined with a healthy diet. On the other side, it’s less known that proper massage therapy, conducted by a professional, can also have a huge impact on one’s health. In fact, let’s take a few moments and see which are the essential benefits of this type of therapy! It relieves stress There’s no doubt that this is one of the main benefits massage therapy comes with. It was scientifically proven that being constantly exposed to stress can increase the risk of heart disease, but also diabetes or hypertension, so getting massage regularly is pretty much one of the best things one can try in order to deal with what’s called “the disease of the 21st century”. A massage session can be an […] Continue reading
You’ve probably seen a lot of people walking barefoot on the street and wondered what is the actual reason why they’re doing this. Surprisingly or not, they’re part of a bigger community, all of them doing this for its benefits on their health! Called “earthing” or “grounding”, walking barefoot has numerous benefits, but they are often overlooked by mainstream society, who actually promotes the importance of wearing shoes all the time. Dr. Mercola claims that walking with nothing on your feet and touching directly the soil allows your body to absorb a number of negative electrons through the Earth. This plays an important role in stabilizing daily cortisol rhythm, but also creates a balanced internal bioelectrical environment. Barefoot walking fans also say that this is a simple effort, which has way more benefits than one could actually think. Let’s go through a few of the most important and then decide if there’s actually worth it giving up shoes, at least from time to time. It reduces pain and inflammation According […] Continue reading
Living a healthier lifestyle doesn’t necessarily have to include dramatic diet changes, strenuous workout routines that leave you dreading the gym, or personal hygiene habits that make you roar at the idea of starting your day. Creating a healthier lifestyle for yourself can be done with simple things too, and you can start small while still seeing significant, positive changes and results. Let’s examine 5 Easy Steps To Healthier Living, and things you can start doing today, to be a healthier, happier you tomorrow. 1. Aiming for 10,000 steps a day – There’s no doubt you can start off small, and whether you decide to invest in a step-counter at the local sports store, Amazon, or simply use your mobile device this “simple” exercise routine and goal can be set and done by nearly anyone. Doing so will dramatically improve your health, motivate you, and give you a clearer mind which is likely to improve your performance both at work, school, and even at home. 2. Improve your sleep and […] Continue reading