DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) is significantly decreased if you’re able to receive a massage after engaging in strenuous exercise. You’ll also notice that your creatinine level will drop, and your muscles will be enabled to perform better. These are all things that have been proven by a recent research study entitled “Massage Alleviates Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness After Strenuous Exercise: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” In this study 11 previously published research studies on this topic were reviewed. In doing so, over 500 participants were included within this research. Getting a Massage After a Workout vs. Your Usual Care Each of the studies that was included within this meta-analysis consisted of a randomized controlled trial. In each of these trials the comparison between receiving this treatment modality and receiving no care or any type of intervention after exercising was looked at. Some of the other things that were considered here include outcome measures. For this it was important that participants reported a primary feeling of muscle soreness or pain. […] Continue reading