You’d probably do anything to help your sore muscles feel better. What you may not realize though is that there are some tools available that will help you get some relief. While a massage is great, these tools can help release any knots you have in your muscles. Shopping for the Right Tools When you go online to shop for these tools it’s easy to fall down a rabbit hole since there are a lot of gadgets that don’t only look weird but are also available in a wide array of shapes and sizes. While you can find a lot of high-tech tools here (e.g. solar-powered, heated, diffusing social oils) the low-tech ones are surprisingly effective including things like: Foam rollers are a simple tube-shaped cylinder that’s made from dense foam. It helps relieve back pain, but you must choose the right foam density first. If you’re in great shape, a very hard roller may be just what you need. However, there are also softer rollers that have a little […] Continue reading