Due to their daily activities, which usually include sitting on a chair in front of a PC all day long, many people complain about pain and other related issues, seriously affecting their musculoskeletal system. As previously, discussed, deep tissue bodywork is a great way of getting rid of such problems. Anatomically speaking, the body’s soft tissues include not just the muscles, but also the connective tissue and nerves that support the skeleton and enable movement. These tissues go layers-deep beneath the skin and sometimes can be relatively difficult to isolate. However, this is where deep tissue bodywork comes in. This type of massage pinpoints exact soft tissues and treats them, eventually getting rid of pain and restoring all functions of the musculoskeletal system. Over the past years, a few deep tissue methods have proven to be the best choices for various problems, becoming very popular. Let’s take a few moments and find out more about each of these methods. Active Release Technique This method of deep tissue bodywork is considered […] Continue reading