You’ve probably heard a lot about organic food lately, as it seems a real trend with a constantly growing fan base. In fact, this trend turned into a $43 billion business, with a lot of potential. But the interesting part is that a lot of people struggle to understand why the term “organic” actually means and if it’s worth paying more for food labelled like this. Technically speaking, “organic” refers to the way of growing and processing agricultural products. In the United States, organic crops must be grown without making use of any synthetic pesticides, as well as bioengineered genes, fertilizers based on petroleum, or based on sewage and sludge, in order to be labelled as organic. And this is not everything. The livestock raised for meat and dairy products should have access to an outdoor environment and receive organic feed, not to mention that it’s forbidden to inject them with antibiotics, growth hormones or any type of animal by-products, for the ‘organic’ label to be applied. As for the […] Continue reading