Losing weight and fighting obesity, in particular, are some of the most popular subjects, as people are constantly looking for methods of obtaining great results quickly. There are tons of available diets, some of them good, some bad, but, unfortunately, there’s no magic formula for losing weight overnight. Well, except liposuction, of course, but that’s another story. However, it appears that scientists made a surprising discovery: a simple cup of coffee can have some positive effects on humans’ brown fat functions. To be more specific, brown fat – or good fat, as it’s also known – helps our bodies turn nutrients into energy, thus generating heat. In contrast, other types of fat, known as yellow or white fat, result from storing calories in excess. Therefore, knowing that it’s impossible to have zero fat in our bodies, it’s obvious that brown fat deposits can actually help us have overall great health, maintain a lean silhouette, as well as proper body weight. And how can we achieve this? Apparently, drinking one cup […] Continue reading