It’s not a secret at all that massage therapy has several benefits upon the human body, as it’s far from being just a method of relaxation. For example, it was recently discovered that therapeutic massage can help to reduce the unnecessary use of anti-psychotics! How? Human interaction is the secret! According to a report from The Alzheimer’s Society, there is a small – but it exists – amount of evidence showing that massage can help in the management of several symptoms associated with dementia. To be more specific, we’re talking about depression, anxiety, or even agitation. People living with dementia can easily and gladly accept a hand massage, as the touch of a hand is still a familiar sensation to them. A quick, five-minute session of therapeutic massage on the hands can trigger a psychological relaxation response! But this is not everything, as it can also increase the level of serotonin, otherwise a monoamine neurotransmitter, known as a contributor to the feeling of happiness. Hands aren’t the only areas where […] Continue reading
If you have ever had a massage, you know that they feel great. They can help to relax the entire body, eliminating stress. For some people, they help relieve a headache, and for others, a massage is part of their weekly or monthly plan for having what is called “me” or alone time. There are various different kinds of massages that can be given. Some like using relaxation massages while others swear by deep tissue massages. Cupping massages are an alternative that many will use while others prefer to use barefoot massages. Massages can feel great to many individuals that want their muscles to relax while others like Thai Yoga massages. All of the massages listed above are said to relieve tension in the body, as well as melt away stress. Others state that pain and discomfort are dissolved. No matter what, body massages do lower the toxicity levels of the body, increase blood circulation, improves Lymphatic drainage, and improves muscle tone and flexibility. Massages have been known to reduce […] Continue reading