Lately, people are looking forward to discovering ways of staying healthy until a late age, which is nothing but great news. We all know how important is to pay your doctor a visit regularly or stick to a daily – if your schedule allows it – exercise routine, combined with a healthy diet. On the other side, it’s less known that proper massage therapy, conducted by a professional, can also have a huge impact on one’s health. In fact, let’s take a few moments and see which are the essential benefits of this type of therapy! It relieves stress There’s no doubt that this is one of the main benefits massage therapy comes with. It was scientifically proven that being constantly exposed to stress can increase the risk of heart disease, but also diabetes or hypertension, so getting massage regularly is pretty much one of the best things one can try in order to deal with what’s called “the disease of the 21st century”. A massage session can be an […] Continue reading
One popular belief says that in order to lose some weight and obtain that slim look you always wanted, you need to exercise like crazy. Well, it’s time to bust the myth: That’s not true. You can lose more weight if you start eating less, instead of exercising. Actually, you can do it by paying more attention to what you’re eating and don’t exercise at all. The idea is simple: in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Exercising consumes far fewer calories than many people think. Let’s say that you go for a 30 minutes jog. In that amount of time, you manage to burn less than 350 calories, as long as you have a constant pace, but more people can’t do this, so the amount of burnt calories is smaller. Sure, exercising has its benefits, but there are way more problems with it when it comes to relying on it to control your weight. And studies also confirm this. A 2011 meta-analysis […] Continue reading
Day by day, we keep seeing tons of ads for various products, promising to keep us looking as young as possible. Apparently, people are terrified by the idea of getting older and try to hide any signs age puts on their faces. Sure this can be done with make-up, intense training, a healthy lifestyle and, why not, some Botox. But these do cost. A lot. What if we told you that there are a few secrets of how can one stay young and have a great health, without using any of the above-mentioned things? Let’s take a few moments, relax, and see what can you do… Take a break If you’re reading this while on a comfortable chair, you’re on the right path, as one of the most important things you can do is to give yourself a break from time to time. According to recent studies, stress causes physical changes in the body, thus accelerating the aging process. These days, there are stress factors all over, so the most […] Continue reading
Let’s say that you’re at work and, suddenly, you begin to feel a pain caused by having sore muscles. At least one of your colleagues will suggest some magnesium supplements, in order to avoid such problems in the future. And you know what? This is actually one great solution! Magnesium supplements, a must for an active life Technically speaking, the flow of magnesium and calcium through the muscle cells is the one that controls contraction and relaxation, so taking supplements makes total sense. Besides this, magnesium, along with minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium, are lost through sweat, so a few magnesium supplements, after a workout, is very popular among athletes. But back to the initial question: can magnesium fix your sore back issues? Currently, there are no studies proving this, but this doesn’t mean that this solution should be ignored. “Scientists are now saying that cramping is related to neuromuscular fatigue in the exercising muscles so it’s not necessarily the low levels of a particular electrolyte that is directly […] Continue reading
Considering how often people complain about having a life filled with stress and body fatigue, there’s no surprise that massage saloons have more clients than ever. And these are just two of the main reasons why people are relying on such services to feel better. If you’re a fan of massage yourself, however, you should be aware of a few aspects before deciding to put massage therapy into your regular wellness program. The frequency of your massage therapy completely depends on both your physical and emotional needs, but also your stress levels. Is getting a massage way too often bad? The idea is that getting a massage regularly – a few times a week, that is – will allow you to experience several health benefits. Still, this may not be right for each individual! For example, if you have some injuries causing you pain or other back pains, you definitely need to consult a physician and see what it’s recommended in your case. Also, if you’re hoping to get rid […] Continue reading