Barefoot deep tissue, also known as barefoot compressive deep tissue, or barefoot sports massage, is a blend of Eastern barefoot techniques, such as barefoot Shiatsu massage, coupled with Western techniques, encompassing deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, transverse friction and compression.
This modality typically uses the heel, sesamoid, arch and/or whole plantar surface of foot, and offers large compression, tension and shear forces with less pressure than elbow or thumb, and is ideal for large muscles, such as in thigh, or for long-duration upper trapezius compressions.
Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, which is a form of barefoot effleurage, combines western science and contemporary American ingenuity, for clients who enjoy deep tissue work using Swedish techniques performed by the massage therapists feet.
There are bars close to the ceiling, which the therapist uses for balance in order to execute the footwork.
This is a great intro to any type of deep tissue session.