I recently took a workshop locally in Clearwater on ETPS (Electro Therapeutic Point Stimulation) Neuromechanical Therapy, an integrative therapy which helps to reduce pain by resetting the body’s autonomic nervous system. ETPS therapy is based on biologically-sound EBM (evidence based medicine), stemming from the concepts of acupuncture, modern neurology, microstimulation, structural realignment and myofasical release (muscular relaxation) techniques. ETPS can produce superior results over traditional pain therapy techniques in less time by blending these practices.
ETPS utilizes a tool to apply non-invasive, concentrated micro-stimulation (CMS) in order to pinpoint areas on the body which contain nerve impingement, myofascial limitations and lessened joint movement responsible for a patient’s condition.
There are 7 fundamental parts to the ETPS treatment protocol:
1. Rebooting the Autonomic Nervous System
2. Restoring body mechanics by releasing the masseter and TMJ and balancing out the sacrum.
3. Dealing with nerve root entrapment (Radiculopathy) by locating areas which contain it and treating it.
4. Releasing scar tissue.
5. Releasing myofascial tissue around the injured area.
6. Using Acupuncture points, balancing the energies.
7. Balancing out the Lymbic System, part of the brain that controls emotions.
By dealing with all 7 components, chronic pain, also referred to as Neuropathic Pain, which is caused by muscle shortening and manifests itself with inflammed tendons and reduced range of motion, can be effectively helped with ETPS.
Source: Acumed Medical Ltd