Does Massage Really Make A Health Difference?

massage therapy in Clearwater FLJust about everyone has had or heard about the benefits of massage.  Just a cursory glance on a search engine will find millions of websites devoted to the practice.  It’s as old as civilization itself and probably older.

People who have had massage will make all kinds of claims regarding the benefits of massage.  From the relief of headaches, backache, even immune system improvement.  The list of maladies that people claim have been remedied by massage seem endless but it is more than just a subjective issue as science has researched the benefits of massage within the realm of stress relief.

Stress is considered the silent killer along with blood pressure and diabetes II.  Massage as part of a stress relief regimen is almost textbook.  From athletes to business people always on the go to moms and dads who have to deal with everyday pressures and kids, massage can help greatly in letting off that pent up energy in the muscles and mind.  Anything natural that relieves stress is beneficial.  Stress can alter one’s immune system, digestive and endocrine systems and more.  Once these systems become compromised it’s a downward spiral to health problems that can be severe to say the least.

A doctor will notice the symptoms of stress and recommend a variety of approaches.  They know that each patient is different and that the source of their stress is too.  The bottom line is that massage seems to handle a number of underlying reasons for stress be they mental and/or physical.  Our diets, rest cycles, interrelationships, problem solving can all lead to tensions that get bottled up with no release.  Massage, practiced by a professional can address the body’s tension and affect the mind as well.  The mind is one of the main reasons for stress as anxiety or depression can cause any number of manifestations physically.  Massage can work on this and the results collected by modern science cannot be denied.

If you’re suffering from stress, tension, headaches and such symptoms, ask your doctor about massage.  They’re sure to have a list of professionals that they can recommend and send you to.  They’ll monitor what you’re doing and your progress and work out a stress relief regimen that you can easily follow.  If you’re at a gym ask about massage as well.  Maybe even your employer might have an option for you.

It’s ever wise to make sure you don’t get stressed out and that means taking into account that massage might be just the thing for you.

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