Maintaining Proper Health And How The Body Changes In Space

With the tourism industry continuously organizing space-travel opportunities, technology, and opportunities, people around the globe are becoming anxious as to when they can have their turn to experience an out of this world experience! In consideration of NASA and the U.S. governments recent advertisements and opportunities to fly into space, occupy, or Live on Mars indefinitely for a large, unspecified amount of money or stipend has likewise increased the appeal to people of space travel including making it more affordable or even cost-free! However, space travel, just like any other travel on earth takes some serious adjusting to your environment also known as adaption – and is not for everyone. Read below to learn three major TIPS and pieces of advice before you decide to set off into space with or without an expected return! Using the bathroom is hard, but not impossible. Experts and conditioned astronauts note that while it takes some getting used to, using the bathroom to pass stool or urinate is anything but impossible. However, like many things […] Continue reading

3 Scientifically Proven Reasons “Warm Ups” and “Cool Downs” For Workouts Are Effective

Warming up before and after an exercise, may it be a cardio workout or weight lifting can make a major difference in both physical, and mental preparedness. According to a trusted, professional and well known personal trainer in New York, Sayco Williams draws a strong focus on making sure his students always give warming up and cooling down their best efforts before working out. Suffering from a rotator cuff injury in the past himself, Williams makes sure he educates both his students and the public about the important, short-term and even long-term possible damage associated with not doing the necessary pre-workout and post-workout stretching. Let’s review 3 Scientifically Proven Reasons “Warm Ups” and “Cool Downs” For Workouts Work– read more BELOW! 1. A lot of people might overestimate what’s required in a pre-workout or post-workout stretching routine. But, scientific studies show that only keeping it ‘short and light’ really help the next time you perform your exercise routine – may it be running a marathon or bench-pressing 300lbs. Properly stretching […] Continue reading